Visions & Values
To learn with kindness, respect and friendship through God’s love.
1) To enable every individual (made in the image and likeness of God) to learn, grow and reach their full potential.
We will do this by:
Providing high quality, engaging lessons and learning experiences.
Encouraging individuals to excel in all areas of school life.
Valuing, sharing and celebrating all achievements - (Weekly celebration assemblies)
Providing extra-curricular activities to extend learning to outside the classroom. (Sports clubs, Music clubs etc)
Providing the opportunities for assessment to enhance future learning. (Self assessment, peer assessment.)
2) We aim to be a loving Christian family living the values of the Gospel.
We will do this by:
Providing positive role models and giving opportunities to highlight and reward good examples of living a Christian life from the children. (Award assemblies, You've Been Spotted awards.)
Providing opportunities to focus on a weekly Gospel value through well planned, daily, collective worship sessions.
Providing weekly SEAL sessions to reinforce expected behaviours and encouraging children to reflect and challenge their own behaviours. (SEAL stop, Buddy systems.)
3) To seek to make a difference through developing caring relationships with the local and wider community.
We will do this by:
Valuing our link with the parish family and supporting the delivery of the With You Always programme.
Developing monthly school masses and celebrations.
Engaging with parents to make them feel welcome and supported. (PTA, parents courses, family events)
Continuing to fundraise for charities in a variety of ways - shoe boxes, sponsored events, food bank collections etc.
Participating in MADCOS events. (Maghull And District Cluster Of Schools) - Training events, sporting events etc.