Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Quick

                      Welcome to Year 3's Class Page


Key members of staff: Mrs Quick ( Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs Carey ( Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Communication: Our main route of communication will be via notification on the school app.

If you have any queries or concerns; we are always available to speak after school. Mornings are very busy but we will always make time to speak to you if it is urgent. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you are worried about anything, we would much rather nip things in the bud or answer queries straight away to ensure that you and your child are happy in school.

If you are unable to contact us in person, it is recommended that you email our school office and we will respond to you as quickly as we can.

Twitter account: @StGeorgesL31 – we will try to post pictures and updates on here regularly.

P.E. Days: Children will take part in PE on Wednesday. Children will be asked to come into school wearing their PE kits on their PE days. 

Swimming : We will be going swimming every Wednesday during the summer term. Children will need to come in to school in their PE kits on a Wednesday. Boys will need tight swimming trunks and girls will need a swimming costume. All children will need a swimming cap, goggles are advised but not essential. Please make sure girls have their hair tied back, no jewellery on and earrings have been taken out before coming to school. 

Labelling belongings: Please can you ensure that all of your child’s belongings are labelled with their name. It is up to the children to ensure they look after their own belongings but it makes things a lot easier for children and staff to help locate their lost belongings if their name is on it. 


Home Reading Books: We aim to hear the children read at least 3 times a week in school and change their books accordingly.  Home-school reading diaries will be checked twice a week- Monday and Thursday- if books need to be changed this will be done on these two allocated days. Please can you ensure that as well as reading a few pages per night with your child that they are also being asked comprehension questions (located in front/back of books) to help with their understanding. 

Reading Eggs, Times Table Rockstars and Mathletics Online Homework: Usernames and passwords for Reading Eggs, Times Table Rockstars and Mathletics will be stuck into home reading records. Children should complete at least 1 lesson of Reading Eggs and work set on Mathletics per week.  Times Table Rockstars is to be used to prepare children for their multiplication check in Year 4.

Spellings: A hard copy of spellings for the children to learn will come home with them in their spelling books each Friday. Children will then be tested on the following Friday. Please can you make sure children have their beige spelling books in school on a Friday so their new spellings can be stuck in to take home.  Spelling scores will also be put inside their spelling book so that parents/carers can see scores. 

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation. If you have any questions, please let us know.


Mrs Quick and Mrs Carey 



Logins and Links

Super Movers: Times Tables Collection

Times tables games and songs 1-12 - BBC Bitesize

hit the button

Reading Eggs 

White Rose Maths


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To learn with kindness, respect
and friendship through God's love.

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To learn with kindness, respect
and friendship through God's love.View More

Contact Us

St George's Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Dennett Close, Maghull, Liverpool, L31 5PD

Lesley Jones | Bursar

0151 288 6630

[email protected]